Men do not benefit from marriage!!!
1. He is 72 years old.
2. He has retired from active service.
3. He worked all his life to raise his children.
4. He deprived himself of life's pleasures to pay for expensive school fees and living expenses for his children abroad.
5. They are now well-off in Europe, Australia, and America.
6. His wife, aged 62, has relocated to live with their children.
7. He remains alone back home
8. His children barely call him.
9. He has to start life all over again as a bachelor.
10. He struggles with high blood pressure and other ailments associated with old age.
11. How much longer will he survive alone?
12. This is the reality for most working-class monogamous men: their old age is often lonely and, in many cases, sad.
13. No matter how good the man is, women tend to love their children more than their husbands. The older he gets, the less use they seem to have for him.
14. So, what do men truly benefit from marriage?
15. They sacrifice so much but receive little recognition for their hard work, while the woman seems to reap all the benefits.
It’s a man’s world they said but for the women and children in reality.
Dear men, this could be your situation in the next few decades. What are you doing about it? What is your retirement plan? Care for your self as much as you fend for your family. Love yourself. God bless you.
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